Corporate & Legal

Refund Policy

Terms & Conditions

Subject to applicable law:

  • All transactions done on expressPay are final and any requests for refunds are subject to review
  • For certain services, expressPay may refund any convenience fees associated with the purchase
  • expressPay will not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from a wrong transaction
  • expressPay may pass on any costs incurred for conducting a refund
Where required by law, refunds associated with certain transactions may be eligible for different treatment.

Right To Refund

You, the customer, are entitled to request a refund of your payment as the result of this agreement if the service being paid for is not received/delivered from the service provider. If You want a refund, you must email expressPay, or deliver your written request to expressPay at our registered office.

All refund requests will be dealt with high priority, and once reviewed and approved will be returned back to the original source of payment( eg. Mobile money account, or bank card )

Note for Postpaid Services

expressPay does not normally provide refunds for transactions performed through our site. However, under exceptional cases we will work with the biller to review your particular circumstance to address any issues you raise.

Note for Prepaid

expressPay keeps detailed logs of all transactions that take place. expressPay will conduct a detailed investigation of all refund requests for prepaid services. In cases where it is possible to "return" the services already paid we will endeavour to process a return.

Additional Rights

Nothing in our refund policy infringes on your rights to contest the decisions of your refund request by expressPay through your payment brand's refund/chargeback process.

expressPay is fully compliant with each of the payment brands policies. It should be noted, however, that by using expressPay you are subject to the terms and conditions of our service.